Mother Earth
And breathe… as the world breathes
Deeply and evenly
In and out
Breathing in calmness
And breathe out
Letting go
Of what was
To allow for what will be
Release stress
This is a time of letting go
As we heal
As the earth heals
As humanity heals
Relax your shoulders
Open your chest
Breathe into that area around your heart
And truly connect
Connect with you
What is important
What is true
What is heartfelt
Breathe in gratitude
For what you have
For who you have
Your relationships
For those we have lost
For those we have found
For those who are fighting
And for those who cannot
Breathe Compassion
For you
For others
For the planet
For nature that is healing
Breathe in love
Love for you
For your family
For others who need it
For those who are close
And others far away
For all that you hold dear
For all of the memories you cherish
Keep them safe in your heart
Just breathe….
Love for Mother Earth
As she heals
The lungs of our planet
Movement of the trees
The tides of the sea
As animals explore
Nature resumes
As the earth heals
And breathe
Breathe into your head
Know all that you know
For what you knew
For what was real
Everything that you have learned
And all that has guided you
Acknowledge your thoughts
The decisions you have made
That has led you to now
Really knowing
Look towards the future
As the earth heals
As nature restores
And Mother Earth breathes
Deeply and Evenly
The possibilities ahead
It’s time for forgiving
For accepting
For allowing
For creating new ways of being
Better ways of living
Kinder ways of helping
Gentle ways of serving
Allowing a new curiosity
As we respect others
Different opinions
Different views
Finding new harmonies
Exploring each other
Nurturing ourselves
And our planet
We are all connected
As we breathe
Breathe deeply
Moving down
Deeply connecting
With who we are
Our very being
Deep inside
Protecting us
Nurturing us
That deep sense of knowing
Our instincts
Our intuitions
Who we deeply are
Who we are becoming
Who we will be
Moving forwards
Keeping us safe
Breathe in kindness
Nurturing your soul
Deeply being
Deeply forgiving imperfections
Others imperfections
Letting go of hurt
Letting go of all that no longer serves us
Finding a deep sense of peace
And listen
Quietly listening
Listening to our very core
Letting newness emerge
Exploring new ways of being
New ways of doing
New ways of behaving
That will keep us connected
Keeping us real
Allowing us to be true
Finding our inner voice
Authentic ways of expressing
Discover our courage
To live with compassion
To bring creativity
To truly nurture our world
And all that live with us on the planet
Moving forwards
Building our communities
Spreading kindness
Taking care of Mother Nature
Protecting Mother Earth